Thursday, April 20, 2006

The Beauty of Transformation

I never cease to be amazed at the strength of my flesh. Its natural affinity for the world offers no resistance but yields so easily. This fallen man, referred to by Paul as "wretched" is so hopelessly entangled with pleasing itself it becomes drowned in its own selfish pursuits. Thus we must see ourselves through the lens of Scripture that penetrates the heart where self-examination fails to reach. Scripture affords us the great privilege of looking beyond our natural horizons. We can see with the eye of faith that which the natural eye will never comprehend. We can hear the voice of God that our natural ears are deaf to.

We are foreigners to a life of rest, but very familiar with frustration, angst, fear, restlessness and unnecessary busyness. This should not be. If God is our central pursuit, then all that satisfies us will be found in Him. We are not to be discouraged by our fallen nature but are to rejoice in the power of our new nature, which is born again and takes us out of the kingdom of darkness and places us into the kingdom of God's dear Son. That's the way I see things.