Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Humble Thy Self In The Sight Of The Lord

The subject of humility is punctuated throughout Scripture. It is of paramount significance that we understand what the Lord says, for there are many blessings associated with humility.

1. Grace is given to all those who humble themselves (James 4:6).
Grace is essential to living out the Christian life. The Apostle Paul clearly states that grace was bestowed upon him in order to carry out what God had called him to do (I Cor. 15:10).

2. Exaltation is the next gift granted to the humble.
Exaltation is not to be confused with being rich and famous. That would contradict what Scripture deems important. To be exalted is to be lifted up but not for the sake of glory. We are to be lifted up above the fallen ways of man and protected by the power of God. How desperately we need this (Daniel 4:34-37).

3. Honor is another blessing associated with humility.
To honor someone is to admire and respect them. Have you ever wished to honor a proud, arrogant individual? We are repulsed by the thought. Robert E. Lee was a humble God-fearing man, who was deeply respected by his friends as well as his enemies. To this day he is honored and highly respected (Prov 15:33).

4. God hears the cry of the humble.
A humble person sees God as his all in all. He realizes that without Christ he can do nothing. God will not listen to the proud, after all they don't need Him, for their strength is fully in control and God's help is a crutch for the weak. God does mighty works through humble people because He is their only source of strength, and when His strength is active, we will surely see what He and only He is capable of (Psalm 9:12).

5. The Lord speaks to the humble.
It is of great significance that the Apostle John in his own gospel never mentions himself. Guess who wrote the book of Revelation? John as a humble self-effacing man was entrusted with the final revelation. All 160 verses in Psalm 119 is a humble cry to hear from God (Psalm 119:145).

The world has yet to see what the Lord would do through a humble church. His power would be displayed in ways that are unimaginable. A humble church is made up of humble individuals. Could we collectively admit to any pride and ask the Lord to take inventory of our hearts and reveal to us that which is not pleasing to Him? I joyfully anticipate having His glory displayed. That's the way I see things.